New Years Intentions and how to stick to them.

Happy New Year! The New Year can be a really great time to reflect on your achievements both big and small and start thinking about what you might like for the future. Today I will be writing about New Years intentions and how these can help you reach your goals.

What is the difference between a resolution and an intention? – resolutions tend to force us to put pressure on ourselves to be perfect and can focus on the end result, rather than the process. Resolutions may create a sense of failure if the end result is not met. Intentions allow you to focus on the journey – for example rather than “I want to workout 3 times per week” or “I want to lose weight” you might intend to take better care of yourself – which may mean losing weight or working out but it may also mean looking after yourself emotionally. There are more ways to reach the goal with an intention and there is room for forgiveness, as well as an opportunity to enjoy the process and journey, in learning what works well for you.

How do you set an intention? Focus on the things that bring you joy. Make a list of the things that you are passionate about, the things that make you happy, and the things that give you a sense of purpose. Really think about what matters to you. Write it all down. By focusing on the things that bring you joy you will attract more joy into your life. Intentions will be much more powerful if they come from a place of contentment rather than from a lack or need. Intentions cannot be forced, do not set intentions that you don’t believe in.

Use affirmations and mantras – the definition of affirmation is the act of confirming something to be true. Positive affirmations are statements of truth that you aspire to absorb into your life, for example: “I accept my emotions and let them serve their purpose.” You can also use single word mantras to bring your focus back to your intentions – eg: “love”, “loyalty”, “openness.”

Focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t. Turn negative phrases into positive ones. For example: “I will stop eating bad foods” can be changed to “I will listen to my body and respect when I have had enough, as well as listening to my body when it tells me I need more.” refrain from “I will stop.. ” or “I won’t…” phrases. Focus on the things that matter to you and the positive ways you can achieve those things.

Meditation is a great way to promote emotional health and enhance self awareness – as you gain more of an understanding of your thought habits you are able to steer them towards more constructive habits.

Visualise your intentions – imagine what the intention may look or feel like. Repeat your affirmations and mantras, speak it into existence.

A few examples of intentions may include:

I will forgive others and myself
I will take care of myself
I will allow myself to be present
I will create meaningful connections
I will express gratitude

I hope that you find this helpful in setting your intentions for the year and finding out what matters the most to you. Wishing you a peaceful and happy year ahead.

Goals for 2020

With the new year coming in, I am feeling positive, hopeful and excited for what 2020 will bring. I have learnt so much in 2019, most of all that so much can change in a year!

I am looking forward to 2020 with optimism and feeling that it will be the year that real growth and change will happen. I’ve spent this year really working on myself, attending counselling, CBT and generally making time for a more positive and peaceful way of thinking and living.

Moving forward, what I really want to achieve in 2020 is to continue self-growth and self-reflection. I want to have peaceful and positive relationships with my partner, friends and family. 2019 has taught me that positive thinking really does make a huge difference. If I give my attention and energy to negative thoughts, I attract negativity to my life. When I concentrate and focus on the positives and what I’m grateful for I attract those things.

I am going into 2020 knowing that what other people think of me is none of my business. I shouldn’t allow my time to be taken by worry, angst or frustration. I also know that I do not need to involve myself in drama. Going forward I will be able to let go of anything that doesn’t fuel positivity and growth.

I will continue to work on my self-esteem, I will know that I am enough and I will be able to understand that I am not for everyone. I do not have to be liked by everyone because the people that really matter are the people who will support me. I will also give my support to the people in my life. I will be grateful for them every day.

I will understand that bad days happen and that those days are just showing me more ways in which to grow. Challenges present themselves as opportunities to learn, and I will not let a bad day get in the way of my gratitude for life.

2020 is going to be a good year. I can feel it.